I snap my fingers and I appear next to you!
Magic, stars, energy, LOVE…yes, love is the engine of life, love is in the air, love moves everything, love is always the best option and the only answer. Make yourself comfortable and take a spectator´s seat…prepare yourself, be ready, done!..let the magic begin!
I snap my fingers and I appear next to you!
I belong to the generation that grew and danced with the Spanish pop of the eighties, among others. .. Ok, I carry on telling you the story. This morning I suddenly found myself humming the refrain of a song from the Eighties “ when you believe you can see me going through the wall…lalalala!” And I am already writing a new post!.. I ask myself : “ what picture could I use to transmit the feelings of this refrain? I stop, think…but I do not get any inspiration..How peculiar! I move my look on one side and I start to laugh alone. My eyes are staring at one of my exercise mats. Guess what? I bought it online a few months ago. I desperatly wanted to get an exercise mat with a background full of stars and I found it.. ha ha ha so funny! Who could have possibly told me that, apart from connecting my body daily, I would have used that same mat as an inspiration to write!
Mobile phone in my hand and I freeze that image. I love it! Thank you universe, you always help and inspire me!
I believe and trust
Back to Alex and Christina´s song, I am pretty sure some of you will remember it, especially those belonging to my generation..at that time I was about 16…Youth, dreams, magic, first loves.. Can you believe now I am living my love as if I were still 16? Yes, luckily this is who I am, with the same desires but with the double of the experience…a perfect equation! I will tell you my secret; I BELIEVE AND TRUST in love to the marrow. I put entusiasm and care in everything I think, say and do, from dawn to dusk. I already know what you are thinking “ a tour de force”. I am not denying it is, but the choice is between frying my brain with negativity, self-sabotaging messages or taking the time to tame my mind, and believe me, I go with the second option without blinking.
Let us focus on what we know as romantic love, the love of a couple, love that can disappear in a flash if we are not able to make it human. Love that needs great dosis of daily care, sweetness, understanding and respect to grow, to evolve, to last in time…Even though this sentence is very used, it is so true, totally true! : it all starts within yourself.
I flatter myself as I am a great lover of love. I have always believed in it, but not blindly, on the contrary, with my eyes wide open. Since I opened my eyes wide and I “awoke”, I could see with clarity the other person´s truth, which is my truth as well. The more I hugged myself the more and better I could hug; the more I loved myself, the more I could love and it was quality´s love.
A marvellos moment which brought me a before and an after
I remember very well the moment I decided to work on it and started to cultivate myself actively in all those qualities I wanted to see in my partner . What a honest mirror to look myself in. A marvellous moment that brought me a before and an after!
That eliminated completely all those demands I had with myself and as a consequence those same demands I was projecting in my loved one. From a great abundance I share a honest love, without any expectation, simply for the pleasure of giving, without calculating how much I give and how much I receive back accordingly.
I evolved from SELF LOVE to HEALTHY LOVE. LOVE with capital letters, thruthful and profound, keeping alive the condition that “ if I am like this, imperfectly perfect, showing my soul and heart totally naked, would it be possible I could attract and finally hug the real love?
Love does exist!
And it did arrive…and we recognized one another…easily, like love is when it is real LOVE, magical. Secretly I can tell you I had a lot of “signs from the universe”, those types that are all around us constantly, but our free will decides either to listen to them or to drown them.
My intuition was leaving “bread crumbs “ along the way, as Tom Thumb did..Until one night in April we met…our souls recognised each other instantly, my whole body was vibrating from head to toes. In the snap of a finger it appeared next to me!
Even though there was not any certainty we would have seen each other again, I was so grateful to life because it gave me the opportunity to prove I was totally right LOVE DOES EXIST!…It was then that life said YES…and we are happy ever since. Do you know the secret ? …Every day we build together our palace with dreams and stars, we fly high together, yet we keep our own individual essence and we create every single day our bespoke garden of Eden. This story is based on real colourful facts and it carries on with new chapters day after day.
I hope you have enjoyed this and I encourage you to build your own story with your eyes wide open. LOTS OF KISSES! ?